Thursday 27 February 2014


I never planned this but I had to laugh.
Four of my five active characters have training that completes within sixteen minutes of each other and all skills are Level V ones so they've been active for at least a week and I've only just noticed.
The skills that are going complete around the same time are:
Social V
Science V
EM Shield Compensation V
Thermic Armour Compensation V
and looking at each of the next skills, this may happen again next week as they all move on to more Level V skills.
Totally unintentional but perhaps its my sub-conscious at work making sure I don't forget to keep the queues filled and best way to do that, arrange it so I have to update multiple characters at the same time.
Not a great blog post, I know. I promise I'll do a better one later today.

1 comment:

  1. I try to arrange skill training so that if possible have to queue another skill every day.
